I was a very fortunate kid to grow up in a family that was supportive, in every way. My parents (and grandparents and aunts and uncles) always made sure I was well cared for, that I had the tools I needed to succeed, and that I felt loved. I was taught at a very young age that it was important to work hard. I was taught to shoot for the stars. I was taught that it’s ok to fall down and that it’s always important to get back up. I was taught to help others and that others would in turn help me.
I was taught to dream.
I remember fondly the times we’d play the license plate game on road trips (or just going to the grocery store.) Sometimes I would roll my eyes when my parents wanted to play this other game. I knew they were trying to make a point when we played it. I was little but still I knew it wasn’t just a silly game. But since I didn’t have much choice, I played along anyway. And then I began to like it. Every time. We would come up with some of the craziest things and the guaranteed result was a whole lot of belly laughs!
The game was Imagine IF. The only rule is that you have to take your turn. No skipping. You can say anything you want, starting with “Imagine IF.” So the first person might say, “Imagine IF I could run faster than a cheetah.” And the next person might say, “Imagine IF I could fly.” “Imagine IF we could fly around in our house.” “Imagine IF our dogs could talk.” “Imagine IF we could ride in a spaceship.” “Imagine IF we lived in the jungle like Tarzan.” You name it, the sky is the limit. Well, unless of course you imagine if the sky isn’t really even a limit…. See what I mean? It’s a fun game to get everyone to suspend reality for a moment and instead think and dream big. It’s a way to remember that our limits exist only in our minds. And that too is where our power lies.
So I have a few questions for you today. What silly and amazing dreams could your inner child come up with? What goals and aspirations have you let go of because “life” got in the way? What if you were filled with ambition and confidence and decided to work toward some of those goals? Even if was hard? What would that feel like?
IMAGINE IF YOU COULD NOT FAIL. Then what would you do?
Look only at what you WANT, not what you can have or should have or deserve to have, or what’s left after you’ve made sure everyone else is taken care of. What do you WANT for yourself? I’m asking you to forget the excuses. Leave the limiting beliefs in the past.
If what you want involves (or requires) more energy, more vitality, more excitement, you can have it. If what you want involves better health, more laughter, less tears, you deserve it. I’ll say it again: YOU deserve it. You know who you are, and yes I’m talking to you!
If you’re ready to jumpstart your journey toward nutritional excellence, to achieve more than you ever thought you might, then I’m talking to you right now. And I have great news. Chef AJ has generously offered to give away a full scholarship for Chef AJ and John Pierre’s Ultimate Weight Loss Program. You’ll learn from the world’s leaders in the fields of food addiction, plant based nutrition, weight loss, exercise, and psychology, just to name a few. You’ll learn how your environment shapes your health outcomes. You have a chance to set yourself up for success. You can write your own ending to your success story, if you will. If you’re ready to jump into UWL and don’t want to wait around for this contest, go ahead and click on the link above and join the program right away!
Speaking of writing your own ending… that is exactly how you will enter to win! There are two steps.
1) Subscribe to Chef AJ’a newsletter at www.EatUnprocessed.com.
2) Simply submit a brief email letting me know why you want to win. Write your own success story as if it has already happened! Start with where you are now (pointing out the challenges you’re facing) and then write about where you want to go, but writing as though you’ve already been there. For Ex: My name is Christin, I was concerned about my blood pressure, I felt sluggish, heavier than I wanted to be, and I wanted desperately to outrun my family’s long history of heart disease and obesity. So I joined Chef AJ’s program and I achieved my goal weight in record time. I was never a runner in my whole life and then I ran a half marathon! I decided to tackle an obstacle course and did the Tough Mudder. And won! I went on a week long trek through the jungles of Costa Rica and I wasn’t even tired! My friends and family were so supportive they ate just like I did just so I wouldn’t be tempted by junk foods, and they all lost weight too!”
Get the idea? There is no wrong answer. The emails will remain private and this is not a writing contest! This is a chance for you to get real with where you are and to see how big your dreams can be.
This is the time for you to make those changes you’ve been wanting to make. We’ll show you how. We’ll practically hold your hand. In fact, the winner will not only receive access to the 8 hours of detailed information explaining UWL but you’ll gain access to the private Facebook group of other UWLers who are walking the path with you and they will help guide you. You will also win a special bonus of private coaching from yours truly. I want others to feel the success I’ve felt and this is the best way I know how!
Imagine IF it’s YOUR turn for a change.
Thank you for the opportunity to win such a great prize!
Wonderful! Thank you for the chance.
Thanks for the opportunity ! Love your Facebook page and all your webinars 🌽🍅🍓🍆🍌🌶🍒💪
Thank you and Chef AJ for this wonderful chance at LIFE again!
I have been struggling with my weight. I went plant based almost 2 yrs ago by starting wth a 30 day juice fast and lost 30 lbs. Getting me finally below 200. Then a few months later I did another week and lost another 7 putting me down to 183, but something happened and I started gaining weight back. Now I am almost back to 200 again even tho I am still plant based. Almost no sugar, oil, salt, or processed. I have tried everything. Including UWL, and McDougal Max weight loss. I usually give it a week and if I dont see results I go on to something else. I am getting so frustrated. I worked so hard to get that weight off. Juice fasts are very hard. I finally got a little taste of feeling good and feeling good in my body. Enjoying life, now its being ripped away again.
Pick me!!
I am a person that wants and needs to get into better health I have been told that I have Fibromyalgia, and so I have been having a lot of pains I don’t want to, or like to do meds. I also need to lose weight, about 160 pounds So I want to get better natural, and I feel that taking away things that are not good or needed for me is the place to start I am on my own a lot and so the (stress/emotional) eating and just grabbing anything that is on hand is what I end up doing I do really want to do this I just really need the materials to get me started and help me to stay on the right path, and I feel that doing this vegan would be a very healthy way
How is your journey going Moya? I’m happy to help any way I can! Changing to a whole food plant based diet has helped a lot of people with their Fibromyalgia symptoms. It certainly is worth a try – there’s no real downside when the only side effect is weight loss, improved energy, and increased overall health!
Thank you I am a person that has lost weight, but then gained again I am a stress person But now with other health issues this is the way I want to/need to go But what I am having a big trouble with is is because when I am trying to lose I am a calorie counter, but I am finding that a lot of vegan cookbooks and vegans don’t count, and i’m not sure how to do both the things that I want to with out extra stress Sorry if I sound like i’m going on, it’s just that I am a list maker and I also feel like I always have to have everything in control/order I hope this makes since?
Even if I don’t win, this was a great exercise and a beginning to making imagine IF a reality! Thanks for letting me play!
You’re so welcome! How is the new year going so far?! Let me know how I can help!
Imagine if I did as I preach. I’m a nutriterian with all my heart or should I say body and soul? Its just my mouth doesn’t comply. I have massive eating disorders which result in healthy eating for 3 days and a binge of a day two sometimes weeks. Imagine If I no longer binged.
Imagine if I ran a 10k before my upcoming 50th birthday (this March). If I would be able to do a mudrun by my next birthday. If I could fit back in my bathing suit and learn to be a hydrotherapist. If when I finish my Occupational Therapist studies my clients will see me as a role model. If I could be comfortable in my own skin.
Hi Loli, How are you doing?! Are you on a path that’s getting you closer to your dreams? Let me know how I can help! beansnotbambi@gmail