Introducing: The 14-Day Reboot Challenge!
You don’t have to struggle any more. Reboot Your Weight Loss and Optimize Your Health Even if Everything Else Has Failed!
Join me in an in-depth online video training course so I can show you the smooth path to sustainable weight loss!
Christin Bummer has experienced amazing success being dedicated to a whole food plant-based diet. She shares her passion and loves to empower others to realize their true potential.
She started The Nourishing Life blog to share tips and tricks as well as some tried and true recipes. Filling a need for more support and resources, she launched The Forever Diet in 2019, the last diet you’ll ever need! The very best way to get started with The Forever Diet is with the 14-Day Reboot Challenge. Whether you’re brand new to plant-based, or experienced and looking to take it to the next level, the 14-Day Reboot Challenge is a winner!
When she’s not cooking, eating good food, and traveling, she is hiking with her husband, daughter, and dogs outside of Pittsburgh, PA.