There is just something magical about peaches. When they’re in season, they are truly nature’s candy! They go great in a number of dishes, but my absolute favorite is this peach berry cobbler I created a few years ago. Why it has taken so long to share the recipe with you on this blog is […]
Meatless Monday Recipe: Vegan Acorn Squash Burgers
I have enjoyed many homemade veggie burgers in the past. Some more than others. Some more complicated and time consuming than others. These patties were the epitome of time well spent. Seriously yummy. Combine acorn squash, cranberries, hearty oats, carmelized onions and pecans, shape it into a burger, and you end up with a fall […]
Resisting Junk Food Cravings
We are all born with a propensity to seek food that knocks our socks off. In our historical world of hunters and gatherers, this was a biologically necessary tool for survival. In our modern world it’s a prescription for…. prescriptions. Whole natural foods that are high is salt, high in calories, and contain sugar (like […]
The Healthy, Fit, and Fabulous Initiative
“I know I should eat better, I know I should exercise more, I know I need to lose weight, BUT…… Too little time! I’m too tired after work. I don’t have time to cook. Healthy food is expensive, yadda yadda yadda. I try for a while and then I go back to my old weighs…” […]
Sample Grocery List
I can proudly say that Mike and I have our grocery shopping down to a science. What used to be a once monthly (or less) chore has become a quick weekly event that we actually look forward to. We grab our reusable bags and head to Whole Foods (or Giant Eagle) with a list in […]
What Vegans Eat
It’s a common question for those who are thinking about making a change. “Ok, so I kind of understand what I’m not supposed to eat – meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy. I get it. If it has a face or a mother, it’s off my plate. But I’m stuck there – what exactly should I […]