If you’re in Pittsburgh and are looking to get going on your Unprocessed journey, now is your opportunity! This doesn’t happen often, so hop on it.
Chef AJ is coming to Pittsburgh next week to present “Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight”
Listen to Chef AJ in person, get energized by her magnetic personality, and let her wisdom and tips lead you on your road to good health. She’ll share her personal challenges and obstacles, and she’ll show you how she smashed through them with sheer determination. Watch her cook delicious meals with ease. You’ll walk away wondering why you didn’t start sooner!
Monday June 30th 6-8 PM
Pittsburgh’s Southside
$10 in advance, $15 at the door
Hi! I follow your blog and I was happy to see you post Chef A J’S visit since I am hoping to meet you too.